Sunday, May 22, 2011

Children today

 I have noticed that most of the children today have absolutely no manners.  (I will follow up on this subject another day). They are very rude and don't consider anyone but themselves.
 Because most of them only want to play video games they don't develop some of the skills they need to survive.  They need social skills, they need to go outside and get and skin their knee or get in a fight every now and then.  These things toughen children up.  Now days there is padding everywhere, Playground, Trampoline, bicycles.  Kids can't be kids today because everything is padded and safe for them.  Kids used to not have to wear bicycle helmets, knee and arm pads.  Kids could jump on trampolines without net or pads around them, I just to jump out of trees onto the trampoline.  I think that too much of this protecting the kids is making them soft or not being able to fend for themselves.  Kids are being protected too much that is why so many of them are still living at home, not finding a good job being successful and being able to survive in the world without their parents or grandparents support.  Kids today just don't seem to want to work, they are very lazy.  Is this the cause of the parents doing too much for them?

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